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Obtain a residence permit in 🇪🇸 Spain through 🇷🇸 Serbia


until you get a residence permit

✅ No need to obtain a Schengen visa
✅ On average, it takes 4-6 months to receive
✅ Residence permit in Serbia + D visa for Spain

How does it work: to Spain through Serbia


Choose your plan

If you're sure you meet the requirements, you can pay for the assistance right away. If you're unsure, book a consultation to discuss your case with an expert


Preparing documents and applying for a Serbian Residency

We'll have a call to discuss the details. Then, we'll prepare the documents we can handle. Once everything is ready, you'll come for the final preparation and submission, which takes around 10 days. After submitting the documents for a residence permit, you can expect to receive it within 2-4 weeks


We also prepare the necessary documents for a Spain visa

We assist you throughout the process by creating a personalized tracker, providing document templates, and guiding you every step of the way. You simply gather the required documents and certificates following our instructions and upload them to your personal account

Final check-up of all documents before submission

Before submission, your assistant will carefully review all your documents, help to edit your motivational letter, and provide a detailed overview of what to expect during the visa (or residency) application process.


You can apply for a visa or for a residency permit and relocate

Congratulations! You just have to wait for the approved residency, and we are waiting for it together with you.

Obtain D visa with a residence permit in Serbia and exchange it for a residence permit in Spain after entry
For individuals without a valid Schengen visa, this is a fast way to apply for a national Spanish visa and relocate
70+ residence permit: the clients who applied for this residence permit have been approved
~20 business days: while we cannot provide exact timeframes, on average, our clients receive their Serbian residence permits within this duration

Plans for your case

This is an exceptionally beneficial offer for you and your family if you are willing to handle all the preparations independently
Intro Consultation
Reviewing your case
Creating a step-by-step relocation plan
Informing you about the required documents
Providing recommendations and answering questions
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Full Virtual Assistance
Money-back guarantee
Unlimited with your personal case manager and assistant
One-hour check-in consultation for strategy and step-by-step planning
Preparation, submission, and obtaining a Serbian residence permit
Proofreading and editing of the pre-application documents package
Preparation, submission, and obtaining a national visa at the Spanish consulate
Creation of a personal account with a document tracker for all your documents
Unlimited chat support available, no calls included
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This company helped me obtaining NIF and NISS in Portugal. Everything was accomplished remotely while I was in another country. I asked for an expedited process as I was in a hurry, and these guys did their job really well. My experience couldn't be better than this!

Artem Zhivoderov

I highly recommend this service. Over a month, I explored different options for help. Vlad and his team are some of the most client-oriented people among similar companies. They don't impose services. Feel free to ask the CEO on Telegram. Thank you for the NIF and access to a personal account in tax service!


The tracker is very useful if you want to compare several desired countries or visa types in one country. I chose Portugal to move and made a nif through a service at a discount. Everything went smoothly and now I'm waiting for my visa. I plan to contact the realtors offered by the platform, because I trust the quality

Anna Davydova

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